LOIC Partners in USAID-sponsored Toilet Construction Project

LOIC Partners in USAID-sponsored Toilet Construction Project

LOIC Partners in USAID-sponsored Toilet Construction Project

September 9, 2023 1:32PM

LOIC is excited to announce its partnership with USAID on a new project to bring toilets to every household in Liberia within the next few years.

The project, which is being implemented by the international NGO, pis, will promote the new “Quee” toilet in every county. LOIC’s Plumbing Department and Plumbing Alumni will be partners in the one-stop-shop and installation of the systems.

The Quee toilet is a low-cost, easy-to-install toilet that is designed for use by people who do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities. The Quee toilet is also environmentally friendly, as it does not require any water or electricity to operate.

The LOIC-USAID partnership is expected to have a significant impact on the health and well-being of Liberians. Access to a toilet is essential for preventing the spread of diseases such as cholera and diarrhea. It also helps to improve hygiene and sanitation, which can lead to better health outcomes overall.

In addition to the health benefits, the LOIC-USAID partnership is also expected to create jobs and boost the local economy. LOIC’s Plumbing Department and Plumbing Alumni will be responsible for installing the Quee toilets, which will create new jobs for Liberians. The project is also expected to increase demand for goods and services from local businesses.

LOIC is committed to working with USAID and pis to make this project a success. Together, we can bring toilets to every household in Liberia and help to improve the health and well-being of all Liberians.

LOIC’s partnership with USAID on the toilet construction project is a great example of how TVET institutions can play a vital role in community development.

Why is this project important?

The USAID/pis project is important for a number of reasons. First, it will help to improve sanitation and hygiene in Liberia. This will lead to a number of health benefits, including a reduction in the spread of diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid.

The LOIC-USAID partnership is helping to address this problem by bringing toilets to every household in Liberia. This project is expected to have a significant impact on the health and well-being of Liberians, as well as on the local economy.

Second, the project will create jobs and boost the local economy. LOIC’s Plumbing Department and Plumbing Alumni will be hired to install the Quee toilets, and other businesses will also benefit from the project, such as hardware and construction material companies.

Third, the project will provide LOIC trainees with hands-on experience in the plumbing field. This experience will make them more marketable to potential employers and will help them to advance in their careers.

We are grateful to USAID for their support of the toilet construction project. We believe that this project will make a significant contribution to the development of Liberia.

How can you get involved?

For more information on the LOIC-USAID toilet construction project, you can contact the LOIC programs in Monrovia, Buchanan, or Gbarnga and get your new Quee toilet installed!

LOIC is doing important work to improve the lives of Liberians. The LOIC-USAID toilet construction project is just one example of LOIC’s commitment to making a difference.

Thank you, LOIC, for all that you do. Keep up the good work!

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