Telling the LOIC Story
Founded from a strong network – OIC International – LOIC thrives to be a reliable and supportive partner aiming at a mutual benefit with all national and international entities and individuals involved.
The Civil Peace Service (CPS) is a German funded program aiming at preventing violence and promoting peace in crisis zones and conflict regions. CPS professionals in more than 40 countries support people on the ground in their commitment for dialogue, human rights, and peace on a long-term basis.
In 2008, German EED (now Bread for the World) and its partners from Liberia and Sierra Leone formed the Mano River Region Civil Peace Service (CPS).
LOIC is a founding member of the CPS Network Liberia and the Mano River Region CPS Network. Other members of the CPS Liberia Network are:
Bread for the World is the globally active development agency of the Protestant churches in Germany. Bread for the World supports partner organisations to work with poor and marginalised people around the world in an effort to improve their living standards. The focus of the work is on food security, provision of education and health, respect for human rights and the integrity of creation.
IECD (Institut Européen de Coopération et de Developpement) is a French non-profit international organization founded in 1988 that implements human and economic development projects in partnership with local institutions. IECD’s key areas of expertise are education, vocational training and professional integration and support to micro and small enterprises.
EDC Education Development Center (EDC) is a global nonprofit that advances lasting solutions to improve education, promote health, and expand economic opportunity. In 2022 EDC started a five (5) year project named and styled Youth Advance (YA) with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
LOIC wishes to acknowledge with immense thanks and appreciation the contribution that is made by all bodies of the Government of Liberia. It is rightly so, that without the continuous support of representatives at all levels, the ministries and the government the aim of providing technical vocational skills to serve Liberia cannot be achieved.
Many public and private entities support LOIC by providing internship placement for many different skills. It is through this training that Liberian youths are equipped with marketable skills. Affording them the opportunities to explore the world of work through on the job training / internship is what we heartily thank the following entities for.