Telling the LOIC Story
Liberia Opportunities Industrialization Center Inc., LOIC, is the largest indigenous non-governmental skill training organization in Liberia and has operated since 1977 providing basic skills training and support services to the youth of Liberia.
Creating an environment where skills are provided for individuals to reach their full potentials
To reduce unemployment and underemployment in the Liberian society.
LOIC hopes to see women and men earn their own livelihoods and ensure poverty free retirement with the help of high-quality education and training equal compensation, and equitable access to the employment market.
The LOIC volunteer Board of Directors consists of honorable men and women of the Liberian society united in the thrive to support the institution in their strategic and advocacy tasks. The Board meets on a quarterly basis to review program activities and reports and to formulate policies that guide the operation of the management of LOIC.
The board members are autonomously bound only by their legal responsibilities under the Board’s charter and by-laws, and its contractual obligations to funding sources.
LOIC is not only striving to put young Liberians into employment but also is a big employer itself. Facing many challenges, LOIC is particularly concerned about ongoing enhancement and updating of the skills and qualifications of its staff.
The Liberia Opportunities Industrialization Centers, Inc. is an affiliate of the Opportunities Industrialization Center Inc. in Philadelphia, USA. Liberia-OIC (LOIC) is the largest indigenous nongovernmental skills training organization in Liberia and has operated for over 38 consecutive years providing basic skills training and support services disadvantaged youths of the Liberian society.
Since the inception of LOIC in September 1977, over 60.000 individuals have been trained in Agriculture Science, Vocational & Technical Skills and Small Enterprise Development in addition to trauma counseling, peace building activities, job placement, resettlement/reintegration, and follow-up services.
Poverty reduction has always been the focus of LOIC. With more than 60% of the population between the ages of 18 and 35, a considerable proportion of this population group does not have the opportunity to be part of the formal school system, a system that was by itself shattered by the long civil conflict that ran from the 1990s to early 2000. It is in this vein that LOIC thought it wise to create a system of education that would give opportunities not only to the less fortunate in society to read and write, but also creating an environment for gainful and sustainable employment. It was for this reason that LOIC embarked even stronger vocational skills training which embodies several trades complemented by psychosocial counselling and job creation ventures.