How TVET is the Solution to Liberia’s High Youth Unemployment and School Drop-out Rate
The issue of unemployability of the youth and school dropouts in Liberia is one that needs serious attention, as it undoubtedly affects the growth and development of the country. This kind of problem needs to be dealt with from different perspectives, one of which is Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
TVET, which is an alternative to the traditional academic route, can help to bridge the gap between employment and academics. In Liberia, its merit lies in the effort to tackle the nation’s high unemployment rate, especially among the youth and school dropouts. This is mainly due to the fact that most individuals graduating from the traditional academic route often lack the skills that employers need and searches for in the job market. This leads to the inability to get the jobs they want and eventually opting out of the labor force.
As such, TVET serves as an effective pathway to unemployment. This is because the training provides individuals with the necessary skills that practically equip them for certain jobs. This approach is more than just taking a single class or completing a degree. It involves going into specifics of learning trades that are aimed at preparing individuals for certain occupations. TVET centers in Liberia provide individuals with practical skills geared toward giving them access to the job market.
The Role of LOIC in Providing a Solution
In Liberia, LOIC has established a network of programs and services to improve access to educational and employment opportunities.
LOIC’s activities in Liberia include:
1. Vocational Training:
LOIC provides vocational training courses to help individuals gain the skills necessary to enter a variety of industries. These include courses in Agriculture, Auto Mechanics, Cosmetology, Electricity, Home Economics, General Construction, Plumbing, Refrigerator & Air Conditioning, Small Enterprise Development, Tailoring / Fashion Design, Life Skills, and Computer Literacy
2. Internship/Job Placement Services:
LOIC provides internship services to its Trainees who have completed the required courses. This includes assistance with resume preparation, job search, and job placement.
3. Financial Literacy:
LOIC provides financial literacy courses to help individuals understand financial concepts and develop better money management skills.
4. Youth Development Programs:
LOIC offers youth development programs to help young people identify and reach their educational and career goals.
5. Community Outreach:LOIC engages in community outreach to spread awareness about its programs and services, as well as to advocate for the economic rights of marginalized individuals in Liberia.
6. Advocacy:
LOIC advocates for policies that promote economic and social equality in Liberia, including those that increase access to educational and employment opportunities.
Furthermore, LOIC also provides individuals with the opportunity to become entrepreneurs. The skill acquired by individuals through vocational education can go a long way in enabling them to become independent entrepreneurs. This shows how TVET serves as an effective solution when it comes to tackling the nation’s high unemployment rate.
In conclusion, it is clear that TVET can play a crucial role in the addressing the high level of unemployed youth and school drop-outs in Liberia. Through the various apprenticeship programs and practical skills acquired, individuals are able to become employable and independent business owners thus helping to reduce the growing number of unemployed youth in the country. Additionally, TVET provides individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become productive and independent citizens of the nation.